기술 성공, 실패 기록소

Where is the source code of installed packages? 본문


Where is the source code of installed packages?

sunlab 2019. 11. 12. 16:26



Where is the source code of installed packages? - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum

Where is the source code of installed packages? edit I have installed ROS Kinetic and it sits is the /opt/ros/kinetic/ folder which has the following structure: . ├── bin ├── env.sh ├── etc ├── include ├── lib ├── setup.bash ├── setup.sh ├── _setup_util.py


If you've installed ROS Kinetic using the binary debian distribution, then the sources are not installed. Only the binaries (ie: the nodes) and any other related artefacts (launch files, urdf/xacros, etc).

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